calvinversOS Wallpaper

Calvinverso's Personal Website

Time for an upgrade.Time for Calvinverso.
Calvinverso CD
Calvinverso Logo

Web Developer • UX/UI Designer • DJ/Producer

With a skilled ability for technology and a keen eye for design, I transform visions into

Globe icon


Who am I?
Hi, I'm Calvinverso.
A holistic software developer and designer with a deep appreciation for music and health.
Calvin EspinozaCharacter Card
calvinverso screen
Calvinverso playing
Web Developer.UX/UI Designer.DJ/Producer.

Believes in embracing technology and design as catalysts for humanity's awakening

LocationRoatan, Bay IslandsHonduras🌴
Main AbilitiesSqueaky Clean CoderFunky Flow Designer
Globe icon


So, what have I worked on?
Lead Developer2019
Mendo Banner
Mendo Logo
Front-End Dev
UX/UI Design
Brand Design

Using Spotify's API, Mendo allows music enthusiasts to discover new tunes and create fresh playlists based on their mood and energy.

Built With
React.js Logo
Figma Logo
JavaScript Logo
Node.js Logo
PostgreSQL Logo
Developer & Designer2022
Pogo Stardust Banner
Pogo Stardust Logo
Front-End Dev
UX/UI Design
Back-End Dev
Brand Design

This project served as the MVP for a local event app known as Pogo, which aims to be a catalyst in the region's music and artistic scenes.

Built With
Figma Logo
Ionic Logo
React.js Logo
TypeScript Logo
Full-Stack Developer2020— 2021
Servpro Franchise Banner
Servpro Franchise Logo
Back-End Dev
Front-End Dev

Project involving the support and improvement of Servpro’s franchise applications through the use of a wide gamut of robust tools.

Built With
C# Logo
.NET Core Logo
JavaScript Logo
AWS Logo
SQL Logo
Lead Developer 2021— 2022
Palma Banner
Palma Logo
Front-End Dev
UX/UI Design
Brand Design

An employee management tool with tailor-made labor compliance and payroll modules for Próspera, a special economic zone in Honduras.

Built With
React.js Logo
Tailwind Logo
Next.js Logo
TypeScript Logo
Figma Logo
UX/UI Designer2018
Pinewood Cinema Banner
Pinewood Cinema Logo
UX/UI Design
Brand Design

Full-fledged prototype for the companion application for a local drive-in cinema, showcasing ticket purchasing and food delivery.

Built With
Figma Logo
Developer & Designer2023
calvinversOS Banner
calvinversOS Logo
Front-End Dev
Back-End Dev
UX/UI Design
Brand Design

The OS you’re currently on, a marriage of modern and retro design styles serving as an intuitive interface to showcase my persona.

Built With
TypeScript Logo
Next.js Logo
Tailwind Logo
Figma Logo
Sanity Logo
Vercel Logo
VR/XR Developer2020
VR Fire Safety Banner
VR Fire Safety Logo
Back-End Dev
VR Development

Integrated with Insignia, this hands-on VR experience teaches effective use of one of humanity's most vital inventions: the fire extinguisher.

Built With
Unreal Engine Logo
Developer & Designer2020
Insignia Banner
Insignia Logo
Front-End Dev
Brand Design
UX/UI Design

Powered by PlayFab, this platform provides insightful game history and progress tracking for VR educational modules.

Built With
React.js Logo
JavaScript Logo
Figma Logo
PlayFab Logo
Globe icon


What's my stack?
AWS logo
Figma logo
PlayFab logo
PostgreSQL logo
Unreal Engine logo
Unreal Engine
Vercel logo

[ Tools & Platforms ]

C# logo
CSS logo
HTML logo
JavaScript logo
SQL logo
TypeScript logo

[ Languages ]

.NET Core logo
.NET Core
Ionic logo
Next.js logo
Node.js logo
React.js logo
Tailwind logo

[ Frameworks ]

Pioneering a new era of humanity.
Calvinverso Logo

Web Developer • UX/UI Designer • DJ/Producer

I designed this website with Figma, built it using Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, &, and deployed it with Vercel.
©2023 Calvinverso. All rights reserved.